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Conducts a Box-Cox transformation on numeric features. The lambda parameter of the transformation is estimated during training and used for both training and prediction transformation. See bestNormalize::boxcox() for details.


R6Class object inheriting from PipeOpTaskPreproc/PipeOp.


PipeOpBoxCox$new(id = "boxcox", param_vals = list())

  • id :: character(1)
    Identifier of resulting object, default "boxcox".

  • param_vals :: named list
    List of hyperparameter settings, overwriting the hyperparameter settings that would otherwise be set during construction. Default list().

Input and Output Channels

Input and output channels are inherited from PipeOpTaskPreproc.

The output is the input Task with all affected numeric features replaced by their transformed versions.


The $state is a named list with the $state elements inherited from PipeOpTaskPreproc, as well as a list of class boxcox for each column, which is transformed.


The parameters are the parameters inherited from PipeOpTaskPreproc, as well as:

  • standardize :: logical(1)
    Whether to center and scale the transformed values to attempt a standard normal distribution. For details see boxcox().

  • eps :: numeric(1)
    Tolerance parameter to identify if lambda parameter is equal to zero. For details see boxcox().

  • lower :: numeric(1)
    Lower value for estimation of lambda parameter. For details see boxcox().

  • upper :: numeric(1)
    Upper value for estimation of lambda parameter. For details see boxcox().


Uses the bestNormalize::boxcox function.


Only fields inherited from PipeOp.


Only methods inherited from PipeOpTaskPreproc/PipeOp.

See also

Other PipeOps: PipeOp, PipeOpEncodePL, PipeOpEnsemble, PipeOpImpute, PipeOpTargetTrafo, PipeOpTaskPreproc, PipeOpTaskPreprocSimple, mlr_pipeops, mlr_pipeops_adas, mlr_pipeops_blsmote, mlr_pipeops_branch, mlr_pipeops_chunk, mlr_pipeops_classbalancing, mlr_pipeops_classifavg, mlr_pipeops_classweights, mlr_pipeops_colapply, mlr_pipeops_collapsefactors, mlr_pipeops_colroles, mlr_pipeops_copy, mlr_pipeops_datefeatures, mlr_pipeops_decode, mlr_pipeops_encode, mlr_pipeops_encodeimpact, mlr_pipeops_encodelmer, mlr_pipeops_encodeplquantiles, mlr_pipeops_encodepltree, mlr_pipeops_featureunion, mlr_pipeops_filter, mlr_pipeops_fixfactors, mlr_pipeops_histbin, mlr_pipeops_ica, mlr_pipeops_imputeconstant, mlr_pipeops_imputehist, mlr_pipeops_imputelearner, mlr_pipeops_imputemean, mlr_pipeops_imputemedian, mlr_pipeops_imputemode, mlr_pipeops_imputeoor, mlr_pipeops_imputesample, mlr_pipeops_kernelpca, mlr_pipeops_learner, mlr_pipeops_learner_pi_cvplus, mlr_pipeops_learner_quantiles, mlr_pipeops_missind, mlr_pipeops_modelmatrix, mlr_pipeops_multiplicityexply, mlr_pipeops_multiplicityimply, mlr_pipeops_mutate, mlr_pipeops_nearmiss, mlr_pipeops_nmf, mlr_pipeops_nop, mlr_pipeops_ovrsplit, mlr_pipeops_ovrunite, mlr_pipeops_pca, mlr_pipeops_proxy, mlr_pipeops_quantilebin, mlr_pipeops_randomprojection, mlr_pipeops_randomresponse, mlr_pipeops_regravg, mlr_pipeops_removeconstants, mlr_pipeops_renamecolumns, mlr_pipeops_replicate, mlr_pipeops_rowapply, mlr_pipeops_scale, mlr_pipeops_scalemaxabs, mlr_pipeops_scalerange, mlr_pipeops_select, mlr_pipeops_smote, mlr_pipeops_smotenc, mlr_pipeops_spatialsign, mlr_pipeops_subsample, mlr_pipeops_targetinvert, mlr_pipeops_targetmutate, mlr_pipeops_targettrafoscalerange, mlr_pipeops_textvectorizer, mlr_pipeops_threshold, mlr_pipeops_tomek, mlr_pipeops_tunethreshold, mlr_pipeops_unbranch, mlr_pipeops_updatetarget, mlr_pipeops_vtreat, mlr_pipeops_yeojohnson



task = tsk("iris")
pop = po("boxcox")

#>        Species Petal.Length Petal.Width Sepal.Length Sepal.Width
#>         <fctr>        <num>       <num>        <num>       <num>
#>   1:    setosa          1.4         0.2          5.1         3.5
#>   2:    setosa          1.4         0.2          4.9         3.0
#>   3:    setosa          1.3         0.2          4.7         3.2
#>   4:    setosa          1.5         0.2          4.6         3.1
#>   5:    setosa          1.4         0.2          5.0         3.6
#>  ---                                                            
#> 146: virginica          5.2         2.3          6.7         3.0
#> 147: virginica          5.0         1.9          6.3         2.5
#> 148: virginica          5.2         2.0          6.5         3.0
#> 149: virginica          5.4         2.3          6.2         3.4
#> 150: virginica          5.1         1.8          5.9         3.0
#>        Species Petal.Length Petal.Width Sepal.Length Sepal.Width
#>         <fctr>        <num>       <num>        <num>       <num>
#>   1:    setosa   -1.3431567  -1.3850773   -0.8917547  1.01831791
#>   2:    setosa   -1.3431567  -1.3850773   -1.1812229 -0.08167295
#>   3:    setosa   -1.4033413  -1.3850773   -1.4845435  0.37307046
#>   4:    setosa   -1.2832670  -1.3850773   -1.6417967  0.14833599
#>   5:    setosa   -1.3431567  -1.3850773   -1.0348319  1.22454068
#>  ---                                                            
#> 146: virginica    0.8174171   1.2930924    1.0385560 -0.08167295
#> 147: virginica    0.7075555   0.9020852    0.6097200 -1.32264877
#> 148: virginica    0.8174171   1.0023867    0.8279148 -0.08167295
#> 149: virginica    0.9269887   1.2930924    0.4976284  0.80781419
#> 150: virginica    0.7625234   0.7998822    0.1485189 -0.08167295

#> $bc
#> $bc$Petal.Length
#> Standardized Box Cox Transformation with 150 nonmissing obs.:
#>  Estimated statistics:
#>  - lambda = 0.931286 
#>  - mean (before standardization) = 2.58137 
#>  - sd (before standardization) = 1.627669 
#> $bc$Petal.Width
#> Standardized Box Cox Transformation with 150 nonmissing obs.:
#>  Estimated statistics:
#>  - lambda = 0.6433629 
#>  - mean (before standardization) = 0.08586719 
#>  - sd (before standardization) = 0.7857394 
#> $bc$Sepal.Length
#> Standardized Box Cox Transformation with 150 nonmissing obs.:
#>  Estimated statistics:
#>  - lambda = -0.144751 
#>  - mean (before standardization) = 1.549011 
#>  - sd (before standardization) = 0.1094848 
#> $bc$Sepal.Width
#> Standardized Box Cox Transformation with 150 nonmissing obs.:
#>  Estimated statistics:
#>  - lambda = 0.2810121 
#>  - mean (before standardization) = 1.30301 
#>  - sd (before standardization) = 0.1950175 
#> $dt_columns
#> [1] "Petal.Length" "Petal.Width"  "Sepal.Length" "Sepal.Width" 
#> $affected_cols
#> [1] "Petal.Length" "Petal.Width"  "Sepal.Length" "Sepal.Width" 
#> $intasklayout
#> Key: <id>
#>              id    type
#>          <char>  <char>
#> 1: Petal.Length numeric
#> 2:  Petal.Width numeric
#> 3: Sepal.Length numeric
#> 4:  Sepal.Width numeric
#> $outtasklayout
#> Key: <id>
#>              id    type
#>          <char>  <char>
#> 1: Petal.Length numeric
#> 2:  Petal.Width numeric
#> 3: Sepal.Length numeric
#> 4:  Sepal.Width numeric
#> $outtaskshell
#> Empty data.table (0 rows and 5 cols): Species,Petal.Length,Petal.Width,Sepal.Length,Sepal.Width